Response and Asset Management
With a proven track record and considerable experience in the provision and delivery of response maintenance and refurbishment solutions to both the leisure industry and the social housing sector, Jacobs are a perfect partner for you.
We carry out hundreds of repair and maintenance activities each month and place great emphasis on carrying out our work in a sensitive way to meet individual customer needs.
Working collaboratively and with the ability to share offices and IT solutions with clients we’ve developed a holistic approach to service delivery including agreement of key performance indicators to measure our service and have adopted an open book approach to financial management.
That way we can be certain that customer service standards are continually improved and demonstrable value for money for our clients is achieved.
Our philosophy is to work with you to meet, and often exceed our customers’ expectations, as we recognise that in the delivery of such important services we are seen as the ‘public’ face of your organisation.
At Jacobs we pride ourselves on setting and achieving high standards of responsiveness, which is essential in maintaining the confidence of our customers.
Over 98% of the jobs we undertake are completed within target times, and many are complete within a matter of hours from the initial instruction.
We take customer feedback very seriously and are extremely proud of the positive responses we receive.